Dear valued AFLMQ members,
Jennifer Pitson, the outgoing General Manager of AFL Masters Victorian Metropolitan Football League (AFLVM), is currently undertaking a PhD with RMIT. Jen’s research is based on ‘the role of sport in contributing to successful ageing’. Jen is adopting AFL Masters as a single case study to collect data to understand the barriers and enablers of participating in AFL Masters football.
The first stage in the data collection process is a voluntary survey which is being distributed to registered current and lapsed AFL Masters members. You may have, or still are, a player, a coach, a team manager, volunteer or an official.
The survey aims to understand the barriers and enablers of participating in AFL Masters football, and if participating in AFL Masters, can play a role in contributing to successful ageing. Your feedback is important to the research data collection phase.
Your response is completing voluntary and will be recorded anonymously, meaning responses will not show who completed the survey. All data collected will be stored securely and disposed of after the research has been conducted, analysed and reported as part of the research thesis.
To start the survey, please click on: have attached the research Participant Information Sheet for your information. If you have any further questions, please contact Jen Pitson directly on
We thank you for your ongoing support of AFL Masters and for participating in this important research.
Thank you.
Sam French
AFL Masters Queensland Inc.
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